Friday, December 03, 2004
things for both genders to keep in mind..
Things for BOTH genders to keep in mind
When some advise that if you do all the big things, you have no need to do the little things.....
it's not so. Doing the big and little things are an expression of love, caring and respect for one another. When it doubt, do them both!
NEVER use sex as a weapon. You not only create more problems, but you are depriving yourself as well. The rule of never go to bed angry.....okay.....sounds good but, staying up all night to solve the problem isn't always a good idea. Call a truce, get some sleep, after a goodnight's sleep, most likely you'll see a different view, understand better the other's view, or be able to work out whatever the problem is a lot better with time to think.
Respect each other's right to privacy, time and space. Too much togetherness can create problems as well. The best advice anyone can give, is love, appreciate and respect each other and the differences between men and women. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take care of each other and be yourselves.
tReAsUrE ("v")
.: iNtRo :.
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