Saturday, January 22, 2005
pris mei's
dont say u love me when u dont even show u care.. because in the end u will find me gone.. not because i dont love u.. but bcuz someone better has won my heart while u were idling away.
tReAsUrE ("v")
a special date.. suddenly i was reminded of this special person..
someone who once was beri impt to me..
S, i am missin u.. hope u r gettin along fine..
wif love,
here's somethin for u..
LoVe OnCe & OnLy OnE..
LoVe YoU & OnLy YoU..
tReAsUrE ("v")
NeVeR WaStE aN oPpOrTuNiTy tO sAy [ I LoVe YoU ] tO sOmEoNe YoU rEaLLy LoVe cOz iT's nOt eVeRyDaE YoU mEeT a PeRsOn wHo HaS tHe MaGiC tO LeT YoU FaLL iN LoVe WiF
tReAsUrE ("v")
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
It takes only a minute to know someone,
an hour to understand someone,
a day to love someone.
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
tReAsUrE ("v")
Saturday, January 15, 2005
If you wait for me,
Then I'll come for you.
Although I've travelled far,
I always hold a place for you In my heart.
If you think of me,
If you miss me once in a while,
Then I'll return to you.
I'll return and fill that space in your heart.
tReAsUrE ("v")
pris mei's..
why do these tears of mine falls for someone who will never be mine.. the harder i try, the more tears flows. yet.. u'll nv understand the pain cuz u no long exist in this life we once shared.
tReAsUrE ("v")
Commitments is a matter of Responsibilities not a matter of Promises..
tReAsUrE ("v")
Friday, January 14, 2005
~* treasure everyone who walks into your life coz you never know when they will walk out of your life *~
tReAsUrE ("v")
Thursday, January 13, 2005
FaTe bRiNgS PeOpLe tOgEtHeR AnD dEsTiNy dEtErMiNeS wHeThEr tHeY aRe MeAnT fOr eAcH oThEr..
tReAsUrE ("v")
Saturday, January 08, 2005
a sad one frm pris mei..
u r gone..
completely frm my life.
yet a part of me is longing..
longing for u to come back to my side
tReAsUrE ("v")
Friday, January 07, 2005
[ aLL i dO eAcH NiTe iS PrAy ~ HoPiN tO bE a PaRt oF U AgAiN sOmEdAe ~ ]
tReAsUrE ("v")
Thursday, January 06, 2005
HaVe u eVeR LoVeD a pErSoN sO mUcH iT mAkEs u cRy ??
HaVe u eVeR tRiEd tO FiNd dE wOrDs bUt tHeY dUn sEeM tO cOmE oUt RiTe ??
tReAsUrE ("v")
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
sweetie's channel topic..
attaining immortality jus meant that i am given an eternity of a lifetime to love you
tReAsUrE ("v")
frm mei to lil cutie.. wif love.. =)
falling in love means risking my heart..
but if i have never risk my heart,
i wouldnt have found true love n happiness in your arms..
tReAsUrE ("v")
words cannot express the way i feel towards you..
just like why i can't explain why the sky is blue..
but i know my heart is true when i say..
tReAsUrE ("v")
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
** one sad thing in life is when u meet someone who means alot to u,
oni to find out in de end dat it was never meant to be and u juz haf to let go **
tReAsUrE ("v")
Sunday, January 02, 2005
FaTe cAn dEtErMiNeS WhO cOmEs iNtO OuR LiVeS...
BuT iT's ThE hEaRt DaT dEtErMiNeS WhO sTaYs...
tReAsUrE ("v")
x-X-x i LiKe U nOt oNi fOr wHo U r ~ iT's hOw U mAdE mE fEeL wHeN i'M WiF U ~ x-X-x
tReAsUrE ("v")
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Happy New Year To All Friends..
share dis 2 fav quotes of mine..
~* LoVe LiVeS & LoVe DiEs ~ LoVe FaDeS EvEn iF OnE tRiEs *~
~* luv once & oni 1 ~ luv U & oni U *~
tReAsUrE ("v")
.: iNtRo :.
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Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart
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