You ask me..
What's Love ??

Is lettin him go..
Seein him wif her..
Althou it hurts me so..

Love is not abt keepin him by my side..
It's seein him happy each and every day..
Seeing him smile makes everythin seems worthwhile..

Althou i wan..
And i wan badly..
To be by his side forever..

But i can't..
I can oni be watchin him..
Watchin him from one side..

Seeing him happy forever..
Is my biggest wish..
Now.. and.. Forever..

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Monday, March 21, 2005

a fren's quit msg..

    Far in distance,
    but near at heart.
    You'll always be the "OnE" in my heart.

12:49 AM
tReAsUrE ("v")

tReAsUrE |oVe

dUn |eT |oVe s|iPs yOu By

.: iNtRo :.

* a gEr wHo LoVeS QuOtEs *
* My dOb : 27tH DeC *
* cApRiCoRn *
* LiKeS bLuE/wHiTe/bLaCk/PiNk *
* StUbBoRn *
* eMoTiOnaL *
* sEnTiMeNtaL *
* bLoG dOb : 1St DeC *

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Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart

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